Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Claudia Lynn is 15 days old! She had another bath tonight. Initially I thought her hair was thinning out a bit, but it seems to be sticking togther OK. Claudia has been getting some "tummy time" and has lifted her head from side to side a few times. She even slept for 2 hours twice in the past 24 hours. Kasey was quite happy about that. She is back above her birth weight. She gained about 12-13 ounces in a week!

I have to work real late the next three days and it is the first time really away from her. Hope I dont miss much. Aunt Susannah AND Uncle Tyler are coming this weekend to visit. I think this is very exciting that we get both of them when we were initially only hoping for one. Susannah planned a trip to CT 4 weeks ago and had a great visit, but Claudia was still hanging out inside Kasey.

We continue to get very generous gifts for Claudia. Thank you to everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Claudia Lynn isn't old enough to watch 24 but I'm glad you are.