Thursday, April 30, 2009

This video from two years ago was mentioned in a book that I just ordered by the jazz critic Howard Mandel: Jazz beyond Jazz. He says its on p.205 if you are at your library.

I think it may be mentioned in Oliver Sachs new book as well--Musicphelia. The youtube page says it links, but I haven't read the book yet. Anyone have it?


Sunday, April 26, 2009

We are very proud of Claudia. Today she walked over 1.5 miles in the March of Dimes walk that Mommy was in. Molly walked in the stroller. There was even a really big hill and it was hot! She is a real trooper.

Tonight she asked to sit in a regular chair and got out of her toddler high chair thing. She is growing fast. She looks taller everyday--although I don't think she is growing much. We are also very close to getting a big girl bed. She sleeps so well we are a bit cautious of changing but she is eager.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Monday, April 13, 2009

I love watching her run with this basket.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Claudia had a very nice lunch with her Godmothers and Aunt Tootie today in Danbury.  She was very pleased to realize that the Easter Bunny had left something for Claudia in Boston and Elizabeth and Kerry had brought it to her.

Claudia is pretty much all better now.  She just gets a few moments of crankiness each day.  We are working on remaining polite during those times.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Claudia getting a little better. Afternoons are tough as she crashes. Her face is still pretty raw. She went to class yesterday and will get out today as well we hope.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Claudia is pretty sick again.  She's trying hard, but its not easy for her at all.  Her nose is pretty raw and she is coughing good.  Sleep isn't flowing too smoothly.  I wish she would take naps.

Molly and Mommy a bit down too.