Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Claudia has her big one year doctor appointment tomorrow. She has been eating much better so we think her weight will be better than last month. Claudia had sushi when we went out last week! It was a sweet potato roll. She loved it. Mommy wouldnt touch it.

Her Winnie the Pooh party is this Sunday. A few little and big friends are coming over for a short party. I think she will have fun. We will probbaly go to see Mr. Kurt play his drums in Fairfield on Saturday. Claudia loves listening to music. And she is starting to play the drum her grammy gave her much more. Uh-oh. Maybe we will bring her little keyboard so she can sit-in with the band.

She loves watching all the videos of people we have on the computer. She would sit on my lap for hours watching them. If you have a digital camera send us a short video clip.


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy she likes sushi! I can make her some when she comes to visit.

Anonymous said...