Wednesday, December 27, 2006

This time last year Kasey had the same picture, but Claudia wasnt here yet. About this time last year we were going for a walk with Abby, Claudia would start arriving later that night, then stretch it out until noon the next day.

Grammy and Aunt Susannah arrive soon. Judy and Stuart are coming for dinner and then tomorrow is a small family dinner for Claudia. She has invited some wee ones over in Janaury for a Winnie-the-Pooh party.

Claudia had big fun at the Zamary's last night, but got real tired so she wasn't her normally bubbly self. She has been sleeping real good, but is completely overwhelmed. She is saying several new "words". We are pretty sure she is adding "dog" (which she says a lot at the dog park) and "Pooh" for her favorite Winnie.

She absolutely loves watching videos on the computer of her friends and relatives. So if you are a far flung correspondent we'd love you to send us a 20-30 second hello to Claudia on a CD or email. Have your face fill the screen and wave a lot and say your name a few times. We hope this helps her remember some of the people she doesnt see everyday. It seems to work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Claudia! You made us all so happy last reminded me of how much your dad and Aunt Susannah used to make us laugh when they were little. You are a very special girl, and we look forward to getting to know you more as you have more words to share.
Lots of love from your great aunt Judy and Stuart