Monday, October 31, 2011


It snowed about 12-15 inches on October 29.  We still don't have power and could be out for a week or more.  House down to 49 degrees today.  And its Halloween!

Claudia and Molly spent the night at their cousins.  We love watching them play Dance, Dance Revolution.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My Rowing Trip

I went to Penselvanya and we went rowing.  And we had fin.  I went with my ansowSosana mommy and Daddy.  Thar was lots of lilepads. and thar is a rode be hind the lac and in front of the lac.  And I sole losove fish in a groop.  We went in a litle secrit pasnig way and only kiyaks and canows are only olawd in becase it is shallow.  The pepel cod not see us becase we war behind the trees.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Game Night

171 by brandtsch
171, a photo by brandtsch on Flickr.

Claudia liked having lots of adults to play games with this past weekend.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Beach

037 by brandtsch
037, a photo by brandtsch on Flickr.

Claudia likes it when Uncle Mark and Aunt Joan visit. We went down to Long Beach to see them at their NY place. Claudia had lots of fun.

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Daisy Scouts

054 by brandtsch
054, a photo by brandtsch on Flickr.

Claudia started Daisy Scouts with several of her friends. Their first field trip was to March Farms for apple picking.

Thursday, October 06, 2011


We got lunch! Chicken nuggets was the official first lunch.  Claudia had a lunch buddy to help her through the line and everything went fine.

There is "no way" we are getting pizza since the line is way too long, so macaroni and cheese might be the next entree.

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Mac and Cheese

Picture 009 by brandtsch
Picture 009, a photo by brandtsch on Flickr.

We still like Mac and Cheese.

Claudia seems to be adjusting to first grade. She is pretty tired when she returns from school. We haven't gotten lunch yet.