Monday, March 22, 2010

We had our first parent conference today at Claudia's preschool. The teacher was very complimentary about Claudia which was nice to hear. She always listens, participates, and helps clean up. She is very happy that Claudia is there.

She thinks she is absolutely ready for kindergarten. We are off to orientation on that tomorrow. No final decision yet, but it is definitely rolling in that direction.

Claudia is currently enjoying watching American Idol. There is a girl on there from Middlebury (where she goes to preschool). Claudia also loves watching the basketball. She figured out how to find the score on the screen. She knows when the game is tied, but we are still working on figuring out who is winning.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Claudia and I (Mommy) had a wonderful night out at a March of Dimes fundraiser. It was a Bridgeport Soundtiger Hockey game. There was an open skate before. Claudia did super and actually made it out to the middle.(With a little help) She enjoyed the cotton candy a lot too!