Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Claudia had fun tonight as Harley the Horse. Harley is her favorite horse at Mimi's house. She can list all the horses and dogs that Mimi has.

She practiced trick or treating this morning which was a good sign that the costume would get on. At about 5:30pm we went back to see Noah and Leah which was fun. Daddy carried Claudia back so she wouldnt tire her foot out.

We then headed over to Aunt Patty's and Uncle Mark's house where we saw Grandma as well. We went to three separate houses and did real good at each one.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Claudia is having lots of fun playing with her Grandmother. They have been reading and visiting places all day. We went out for pizza for lunch and they also went to look at pumpkins this afternoon.

I will post photos and videos later.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Mimi's here!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Update: X-Ray was negative. She is a trooper.

2nd Update: Well, it is broken. No cast. Went to orthopedist today (Wednesday). Apparently she is having a bad day all around so she did not appreciate going to the doctor either. She is very patient.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Claudia fell while playing "Ready, Set, Go" and racing on the front walk. We went to the doctor today and we have to go for X-Rays tomorrow on her foot. Hopefully its not broken.

She is a tough kid!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Claudia had lots of fun at her friend Lauren's birthday party on Sunday. She had a hot dog for the first time and liked playing downstairs in Lauren's "kitchen".

Today she went to the league cross country meet to watch Daddy work and see all her friends run. She calls them the "happy girls". Her favorites are Olivia and Carrie.

Claudia likes her shapes. She asks us to draw them whenever we color. So I say "Claudia-what shape do you want me to draw??"
Claudia: "Hexagon!!".
Me: "Uh, Kasey, how many sides on a hexagon?"

I have a feeling she will keep us on our toes.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Tonight we saw Thula Sizwe in concert. They are a group that is touring the country as they visit from South Africa. We saw them in town at a church. They were very good and Claudia enjoyed it very much.

Claudia has had several birthday parties to attend so she is quite the social animal this week. She is also quite obsessed with her favorite part of the week: Monkey Business. She goes every week and plays with her friends (Timmy) and on the slides and sings songs (Itsy Bitsy Spider). She probably asks to go to MonKey Business 200-300 times per day. Money well spent I guess.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Friday, October 05, 2007

Wednesday, October 03, 2007